What is Energy Coaching?

In Energy Coaching, we journey inwards to the wisdom that you carry within you.  Thoughts, feelings, emotions - are energies that are oftentimes stuck or stored in your body. These are calling for your attention, and they reveal themselves in energy space. 

This inner knowing that resides within you is waiting to be heard, to be seen, to be understood. By exploring it with curiosity and play, you will gain clarity, insight, and understanding that assists you in moving forward. You become more resourced, spacious and expanded.    

We dive deep, we explore and play in energy space so that you may discover for yourself the treasures that lay within you.  You know yourself better than anyone else. My role is not to save you or tell you what to do. As your coach, my work is to shine the light and to guide you to find your own answers - to bring you back to You. You are a well of infinite possibilities.

A life coach will :

-assist you in creating change in your life - moving you from where you are to where you want to be.
-support you in thinking and behaving differently, offering you a different perspective or creating a plan or strategies to learn what is best for you and the life you want to live.

-guide you to make progress in your life in order to attain greater fulfillment, assist you in improving your relationships, career, and day-to-day life.

-help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. 

- provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change by targeting your unique skills and gifts, and by making use of your strengths. 

Some common areas you might to choose to work with a coach on:

  • Gaining clarity on your life direction and meaning
  • Uncovering and playing to your strengths
  • Improving self confidence and self-belief
  • Improving your health and well-being
  • Taking control of your personal finances
  • Changing Careers or finding a new path
  • Finding more of your creative and playful side
  • Developing Meaningful Relationships
  • Creating lasting self-care routines
  • Moving Strongly through significant life transitions

What is Life Coaching?

Coaching Series

Complimentary Discovery Call (20-30min)

Before you fully engage and commit to a coaching series, speak to the coach and get as many questions answered about the coach or the process. Coaching is an investment of time, money and emotional energy - take the time you need to make that decision and find a person who is the right fit for's meant to be an easeful relationship.


Each coaching series is either 6 sessions or 12 sessions.

The length of the series will depend on the goals you set and/or the amount of support you need.

Download the Service & Pricing guide at the top of the page for more details.

  • Client and coach meet twice a month for one hour each session.
  • Sessions take place over Zoom.
  • In between sessions, clients receive email and text support.
  • Clients can opt to pay for the series in full or make payment the start of each month.

Interested in moving forward in your life and leveling up?
Let's see if we fit! Click the button below and book in for a call!


What to look for in a Life Coach:

It is important to find the right fit between coach and client. If you feel that connection with the coach, they will be the right one for you. 

A life coach will be friendly and warm, and will give you direct and honest feedback. Life coaching is a non-competitive process but is a growth process where “Winning” happens as you learn more about yourself and move towards your goals.

The focus of the coaching series is the Client -- the client drives the relationship, sets the agenda, makes their own decisions and is not told what to do by the coach -- the client is in control and work has to be done by the Client with the guidance and support of the coach.

The Coach will support you in focusing on self, empower your growth and learning, challenge and encourage you, hold you accountable to your desires and provide you with a process to achieve change, so that you remain in forward motion and complete what you set out as your goals.

Do I need Therapy/Counselling or Coaching?

Coaching is for you if you are ready to move Forward from your present to your future. Your coach will support you to a greater level of awareness and empowerment through the provision of a safe coaching space, powerful questions and positive feedback.

Therapy is better suited to your needs if you need to focus on healing, treating mental or physical health conditions, working through trauma and other issues from your past.

Rapid Transformational Therapy® may help you to resolve issues, treat mood disorders, anxiety disorders, addiction, or any other mental or physical health condition.

Our Coaches

Ping Ong Coates

Founder, RTT® Practitioner and Life & Energy Coach.

Ping is a certified Life & Energy Coach, and RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) Practitioner. She works with parents, teens and children. With tools acquired through different modalities, Ping will guide and facilitate powerful and rapid healing so that you may find your path of purpose and fulfillment, and to live life in the true and best version of yourself.


PING will be accepting new coaching clients in August 2024.

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